Orthodox Easter
We had a fantastic Easter celebration with singing, dancing, games and of course plenty of food. See the Youtube channel and Gallery pages for more
The video below is of the blessing of the baskets by Canon Nigel Hartley
Ukrainian Folk Dancing Classes
Now running - watch this page for the details - Group Page
Hiking Club
More information on the Group Page
Bus Fares
Single bus fares for just £2 - read here for more information
Singing with the Royal Opera Chorus!
Robin, Andriy, Lidiia and Svitlana were all lucky to be selected to sing with the Royal Opera Chorus for a special performance of songs for Ukraine on 16th March. It was very moving and an amazing event. Well done! There is a video on our Youtube page, a write up on the ROH page and photos in our Gallery page
English Lessons
For the latest information on English lessons please contact us. There are still several classes running locally and also individual lessons available.
Short version ...
Orthodox Christmas Eve Celebration
We all had a great time at our Christmas Eve Celebration. Please look at the gallery and Youtube - we have some lovely photos and videos
Extended version ...
We also had a BBC South East film crew who requested to come and see what we are doing - this is an article based on the clips they showed on live TV:
BBC South East - Ukrainian Christmas
You can see the recorded clips on the reporter's Twitter feed